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Tengdao 2 Pompe portabile cu motor Inch High-Lift - Pompe,Generatoare,Far,Stație hidraulică-TENGDAO

Pompă de apă pentru motor diesel/

Tengdao 2 Pompe portabile cu motor Inch High-Lift

Tengdao 1.5-inch to 3-inch High-Lift Diesel Water Pump
The high-lift diesel water pump is a type of pump equipment that can transport liquids to higher locations and is widely used in various scenarios that require high-lift delivery. Below is a detailed introduction to the high-lift diesel water pump:
1、 It is suitable for firefighting rescue, forest fire prevention and disaster relief, forestry firefighting, and oil mining areas.
2、It also adopts the dual starting method (manual and electric) and is applicable in various scenarios that require high-lift delivery.

  • Detalii produs
Tengdao 1.5-inch to 3-inch High-Lift Diesel Water Pump
The high-lift diesel water pump is a type of pump equipment that can transport liquids to higher locations and is widely used in various scenarios that require high-lift delivery. Below is a detailed introduction to the high-lift diesel water pump:
1、 It is suitable for firefighting rescue, forest fire prevention and disaster relief, forestry firefighting, and oil mining areas.
2、It also adopts the dual starting method (manual and electric) and is applicable in various scenarios that require high-lift delivery.
Features of the High-Lift Diesel Water Pump:
1、High Lift: Capable of delivering liquids to higher positions.
2、Versatile: Suitable for multiple scenarios including firefighting rescue, forest fire prevention, and emergency flood control.
3、Durability: Made from high-quality materials and advanced technology to ensure long-term stable operation.


Aspiraţie,Diametrul orificiului de descărcare(milimetru(în)) 40(1.5”) 50(2”) 80(3”)
Cont.head(m) 60 90 75
Timp de autoamorsare (s/4m) 30 30 30
Cap maxim de aspirație (m) 7 8 8
Capacitate continuă(m3/hr) 18 35 47
Model motor TD178F TD186F TD92FD
Viteză(Rpm) 3600 3600 3600
Tip Un singur cilindru,vertical,4-motor diesel răcit cu aer
Deplasament(Cc) 296 418 498
Bore&Ori;mângâia (milimetru) 78&Ori;62 86X72 92X75
Sistem de pornire Recoil or Electric Recoil or Electric Recoil or Electric
Capacitatea rezervorului de combustibil(L) 3.5 5.5 5.5
Electric Start optional optional optional
Dimensiune(L&Ori;W&Ori;H)(milimetru) 560&Ori;465&Ori;565 580&Ori;550&Ori;605 645&Ori;550&Ori;630
Dry weight(Kg) 42 69 92
20FT 136 105 90



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