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Certificats - Pompes,Générateurs,Phare,Station hydraulique-TENGDAO



Shanghai Tengdao Industrial Co., Ltée. specializes in emergency rescue equipment such as generator sets, pump units, Tours d’éclairage mobiles, and hydraulic devices. The company has obtained ISO 9001 quality management system certification, ISO 14001 environmental management system certification, and ISO 45001 occupational health and safety management system certification. The products have also passed CE certification. Additionally, the company has its own patented products and multiple software copyrights. Our products are widely used in municipal sewage flood prevention projects, Irrigation agricole, Opérations de sauvetage motorisé, Génie ferroviaire, fire drainage, as well as various outdoor construction activities, Entretien et réparation, Intervention en cas d’accident, et secours en cas de catastrophe.
L’entreprise adhère aux principes du leadership technologique, La qualité avant tout, et la suprématie du client, fournir des services satisfaisants à un large éventail d’utilisateurs.

Our Certificates List:

Téléphone +86-13916665733

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